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Entrant Number:
Entries Number:


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Please contact me if you have any questions. (English)Email : CIDPAE2023@126.com

Color Section

Title:《镜头定格河南县优良畜种 Breeding of Good Varieties》 No.A00250
Title:《On a rough sea day》 No.A00205
Title:《山脚下的信徒》 No.A00822
Title:《Ming Great Wall Site》 No.A00647
Title:《人生如戏》 No.A00062
Title:《林中少女3 Forest nymph 3》 No.A00784
Title:《漓江晨曦》 No.A00065
Title:《青花》 No.A00207
Title:《Trasimeno Lake,Umbria Italy》 No.A00416
Title:《马赛马拉大草原的黄昏 Dusk Masai Mara》 No.A00650
Title:《蹄声惊晓雾 Clipclop in morning fog》 No.A00390
Title:《云海日出》 No.A00477
Title:《胡杨精灵》 No.A00630
Title:《我和你》 No.A00099
Title:《景德镇御窑博物馆减影 Jingdezhen Imperial Kiln Museum》 No.A00336
Title:《冰封 Covered in snow and ice》 No.A00355
Title:《Ballet Dancer》 No.A00739
Title:《上台前的准备 Preparation before stage》 No.A00398

Monochrome Section

Title:《奔驰的音符 Saltant notes》 No.B00197
Title:《望海潮》 No.B00455
Title:《Serbia, Belgrade, Over 1000 migrants in the polar temperature of Belgrade》 No.B00510
Title:《同光共影 Symmetry》 No.B00301
Title:《孔雀开屏》 No.B00482
Title:《Mount Huang》 No.B00393
Title:《祈福 Pray for blessings》 No.B00367
Title:《Me and my sister》 No.B00069
Title:《Barcelona moments》 No.B00464
Title:《Waterfall of Changbai Mountain》 No.B00213
Title:《忙碌的身影 Working figure》 No.B00352
Title:《Man in Black》 No.B00498
Title:《生命曲线 Curve of Life》 No.B00163
Title:《哨兵 Guard》 No.B00113
Title:《远方的你 You in the distance》 No.B00110
Title:《察尔罕盐湖 Qarhan Salt Lake》 No.B00319
Title:《加油 Come on》 No.B00340
Title:《Don't forget original intention》 No.B00384

Exhibition Review